Saturday, 7 November 2015

When is it Bitcoins official birthday?

My opinion is that Bitcoin was born with the release of Satoshi's whitepaper on 1st Nov 2008.
These factors in Saturn within a chart especially if it’s well aspected produce an energy that is long standing and long term beneficial while in the shortern term, may cause slow steps forward and backward in a long road to success. I recently was reminded about how Saturn can be late coming into a new house/sign because of it’s “dance” in the sky. I often compare the dance of Saturn in the night sky to a dance of retirees at an old folks home, slow but pleasant and often meandering. This year is an example of this energy, as Saturn moves forward for most of the first part of 2014 then backward almost 8 degrees in the astronomical sign of Libra then forward again until winter 2014 when it finally enters Scorpio (and the shit gets REAL).
So, for bitcoin this means that its here to stay and it’s long standing enough to be here for the lifespan of the Internet. Saturn is the god of Immortality and from the many presentations about the nature of bitcoin, I believe this is an immortal currency.
It's a Immortal Currency
Born on Saturday

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