BTC was introduced on 3rd January,2009. I cast an horoscope for BTC. Moon sign is Pisces, the 10th house (House of Action or Karma) from Gemini, the ruling sign of America, Sun sign in Sagitarius with Mars. Jupiter & Mercury in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius and Saturn in Leo. Sun and Mars in 10th house strengthens the nodes and network. No computational power can match the MIGHT of Sun n mars. Jupiter and Mercury in 11th house reminds me of what PITRUSYAS ( Son of KALIDASA) says in his work SHATAPANCHASHIKA...
Both the powers of jupiter and mercury will solve ONE LAKH problems of Mankind.
Not too many astrologers are looking at Bitcoin, the leader of the upstart pack of "crypto-currencies" that threatens to throw the banking establishment into pandemonium. The few that are seem to have settled on this chart, that of the "Genesis Block" which marks a sort of "first breath" for the currency. The Bitcoin price seems to respond very strongly to transits against this chart (see this). I haven't seen a strong case for using another chart.
Depending on how wide the orbs we use, this may be a "perfect" libertarian chart (like these). Pallas is trine (and ruled by) Mercury which is conjunct North Node, and her declination is so extreme as to be quite literally "off the chart". I haven't studied extreme declinations much but might venture to guess that the libertarian factor is even stronger than the Mercury-Node connections would already make it. If we extend the orb of the quincunx aspect to four degrees (I haven't found sufficient reason to do this, despite evidence that Pallas responds to wide orbs and minor aspects), then we have a quincunx with Pluto. Even then, the Mercury-Node connections (perhaps with help from the extreme declination) would probably overcome the Pluto aspect. Whether Bitcoin lives or dies, I don't expect it to become a tool for "The Man".
In the realm of more traditional astrology, the chart has many more extremely striking features. The Sun-Mars-Pluto triple conjunction in Capricorn is quite the stunner. This chart is all business, and its business is revolution: like the goddess Kali to whom Pluto is often compared, the potential is to bring death, complete transformation, and rebirth. In the Sixth House, this trinity suggests a revolution in the systems and processes of everything it touches. Perhaps this also suggests that Bitcoin itself may undergo a number of deaths and rebirths. The Uranus-Saturn opposition echoes the overall sentiment, suggesting the breakup of existing structures and institution of new ones.
The financial indicators for the chart are complex and varied. On one end, Venus in Pisces conjunct her ruler Neptune points to an attitude that value, and its monetary representative, is essentially illusory. It foreshadows the extreme price fluctuations to come, and also hints at the capacity dissolve the perception of what value is for all of us. On the other end, Saturn lives in the Second House of money, solidifying a new structure of value. The Second House itself is ruled by Mercury which is conjunct the North Node: the long term mission here is to comprehend, build, and solidify value. Venus, incidentally, is at her farthest point from the Sun in the synodic cycle and accordingly at her brightest in the visible sky.
How Could Financial Astrology Work?
You might be wondering why the movement of the planets in our solar system would have any impact on the stock market. After all, aren’t the planets far away from us and generally not visible without an experienced eye and/or a telescope?
Several possible explanations have been postulated to explain the cause and effect relationship between planetary interactions and life here on Earth (i.e., “as above, so below”), but ultimately additional research is needed to scientifically prove how these interactions work.
The Ancients’ Use of Astrology:
Astrology has played a prominent role in human history for thousands of years. “during the multitude of centuries in the course of which astrology was thought to play the strongest part in human affairs, every circumstance affecting the welfare of humanity was deemed to have its rise in one or another of the planets, or perhaps in a lucky or evil combination of several.”
Astrologers accept that Moon impacts the body vibrations similarly as it influences the sea waves during the tides. Indeed, even logical examinations have demonstrated that individuals carry on oddly during the full moon evenings since this is one planetary body that is profoundly associated with the human brain.
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