Monday, 28 December 2015

How One Bitcoin Startup Is Changing Public Perception Of Bitcoin

Had you ever heard of Bitcoin before seeing the title to this article? What do you know about it? That it’s a way to buy illegal drugs? That the CEO died? That it’s gone bankrupt? There are grains of truth in each of these statements. Those of us with going concerns that aren’t engaged in crime or falling into ruin have to cope with the perceptions those grains create.

Released in 2009, Bitcoin is still very new, as far as network-centric applications go. The blockchain and the peer to peer connections used can be compared to other network applications like DNS, the domain name system, which was released in 1984, and which is still being refined and extended today. Immaturity in blockchain based currencies like Bitcoin is clear; the seven transactions per second and half hour verification times are issues that will have to be addressed as volume increases.

There have been spectacular, tragic failures in these first years as Bitcoin has spread, and these events, coupled with sometimes hasty journalism, have led to beliefs that are only loosely connected to reality.

Autumn Radke, CEO of First Meta, died at age twenty eight after she jumped from the balcony of her 25th story apartment in Singapore. Echoing the manner of death of stock brokers and bank executives during the crash of 1929, reporters unfamiliar with the industry cut the name First Meta out of the narrative and dramatized Radke’s tragic death the loss of “the Bitcoin CEO”.

Mt. Gox was a site associated with Magic: The Gathering, a trading card game, where players traded cards in a manner similar to stocks. Like Ebay,which started as a site about the Ebola virus, Mt. Gox stumbled into a burgeoning need for Bitcoin related services. When the company collapsed in February of 2014, 850,000 Bitcoins worth $450 million had vanished. This was an eye catching number, but less than 10% of the total market capitalization at the time. The media again dramatized this event, billing it as the bankruptcy of all Bitcoin, rather than lucidly exploring the need for regulation and insured exchanges.

The biggest criminal case thus far involving Bitcoin was Silk Road, a darknet drug market whose owner, Ross Ulbricht, made $80 million on $1.2 billion in transactions over fifteen months. He is currently serving a life sentence for six attempts to hire hitmen to deal with problematic users of the market. Since then there have been several Silk Road look-alikes that have either been taken down or run away with everyone’s money, with half a dozen competitors remain in operation today.

All of this adds up to a multifaceted perception problem for those of us who are operating legitimate businesses that are dependent on Bitcoin. Both trustworthiness and terminology matter.

These problems became painfully clear for us at San Francisco’s Launch Festival last March. We had a booth with a bigBitwage banner and many people paused, intrigued by a service that is faster, easier, and cheaper than banks for international payroll. All went well until they asked about the underlying mechanism. When one of us said “Bitcoin” their smiles turned to frowns, as they tried to balance the exciting features we offer with prior mistaken reporting.

Since we were a vehicle for paying thousands of contractors, freelancers and employees, we aren’t bankrupt, and I’m still very much alive, we had to solve the perception problem immediately.

Halfway through the first day of the conference I started to use the word blockchain instead of Bitcoin. Instead of recoiling, prospects stayed to listen to us, eventually learning that the blockchain concept is the foundation of every cryptocurrency, and leaving us their business cards. When Bitcoin did come up, we had already developed some rapport and a lot of positive ideas had been conveyed, so it wasn’t an immediate conversation killer.

Today we’ve covered half a year since that conference. It’s felt like running towards the shore, having started in chest deep water, and now it’s just knee deep. The reputation troubles Bitcoin faced have started to recede, and acceptance of the blockchain as the way of the future is there. Our first customers, the people frustrated with the process of wages crossing international boundaries are still there and becoming more numerous, and they have been quietly joined by innovation teams from every bank.

My experiences over the last six months have included signing NDAs with banks and hearing phrases such as “It is no longer why Blockchain, it is how Blockchain”. Clearly, every bank executive in a strategic planning role knows what a blockchain is.

Those executives are all expecting to have blockchain vendors in the same fashion that they have SQL database and transaction processing system suppliers now. While there is much talk about “private blockchains”, they will without a doubt participate in the Bitcoin blockchain or a more efficient public blockchain due to their superior security and settlement mechanisms. When these new blockchain-based bank products are released, they will of course tout the safety and security a well implemented blockchain

Bitwage got to the international payroll market first. We are going to be one of the vendors those banks are evaluating, and if we keep innovating and delivering, we’ll keep winning business.

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